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The Flashdata Helper

Trongate supports 'flashdata'. Flashdata is session data that will only be available for the next request, before being automatically removed. This can be useful for one-time informational messages (for example: 'The record was successfully created').

To Set Flashdata

Flashdata can be set with one line of code which takes the form:


This is assuming that you have a message which, in this instance, has been assigned to a $msg variable. For example.

$msg = "The record was updated";

Of course, you can save a line of code by passing your message directly into your flashdata declaration. For example:

set_flashdata("The record was updated");

Displaying Flashdata

Flashdata can be displayed by calling flashdata() from within a view file.


By default, flashdata messages will be displayed as green text within a paragraph. However, you can change the format of your flashdata by adding optional opening and closing tags as arguments. For example:


Below is an example of a view file that contains the flashdata() method.

flashdata example