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Fetching Tokens

The Trongate framework provides a robust mechanism for fetching and validating user tokens, which is crucial for implementing secure authentication and authorization in your applications. This page explores the _attempt_get_valid_token() method - a key component of Trongate's token management system.

The Mechanics Of Token Retrieval

When an end user is allocated with a 'Trongate token', the important details pertaining to the token are stored on the trongate_tokens database table.

Upon subsequent visits to the application, the _attempt_get_valid_token() may be used to retrieve and validate user tokens.

The _attempt_get_valid_token() is a versatile function that can adapt to various authentication scenarios.

Method Signature

public function _attempt_get_valid_token($user_levels = null): string|bool


Parameter Type Description Default Required
$user_levels int|array|null User levels to filter tokens null No

Return Value

The method returns either a string (the valid token) or a boolean false if no valid token is found.

Token Retrieval Process

The method searches for tokens in the following locations, in order of priority:

  2. Cookies ($_COOKIE['trongatetoken'])
  3. Session ($_SESSION['trongatetoken'])

Usage Examples

Example 1: Fetching Any Valid Token

To retrieve a valid token for any user level:

$token = $this->trongate_tokens->_attempt_get_valid_token(); // Any user level

Example 2: Fetching Token for Specific User Level

To fetch a token for users with an 'admin' user level (assuming 'admin' has an ID of 1 in the 'trongate_user_levels' table):

$token = $this->trongate_tokens->_attempt_get_valid_token(1); // admin only

Example 3: Fetching Token for Multiple User Levels

To retrieve a token for users with either 'admin' or 'member' user levels (assuming IDs 1 and 2 respectively):

$token = $this->trongate_tokens->_attempt_get_valid_token([1, 2]); // admin or member

By understanding and implementing these token fetching techniques, developers can ensure secure and efficient authentication and authorization in their Trongate applications.