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Trongate MX Attribute Reference

The table below offers a quick reference for all Trongate MX attributes.

Attribute Description
mx-animate-error Triggers an error animation when an HTTP request returns a response code less than 200 or greater than or equal to 300 (failed request)
mx-animate-success Triggers a success animation when an HTTP request returns a response code between 200 and 299 (successful request)
mx-after-swap Executes a specified JavaScript function immediately after a successful content swap operation, allowing for further DOM manipulation or initialization.
mx-build-modal Dynamically creates and populates modal dialogs with content fetched via HTTP request
mx-close-on-error Automatically closes an opened and visible modal when an HTTP request returns a response code less than 200 or greater than or equal to 300 (failed request)
mx-close-on-success Automatically closes an opened and visible modal when an HTTP request returns a response code between 200 and 299 (successful request)
mx-delete Issues a DELETE request to the specified URL
mx-during-request Controls the appearance or behavior of the target element while an AJAX request is in progress, such as cloaking or replacing content.
mx-get Issues a GET request to the specified URL
mx-headers Specifies custom headers for the HTTP request
mx-indicator Specifies an element to show as a loading indicator during the HTTP request
mx-on-error Specifies an element to be initialized or updated after a failed HTTP request (response code less than 200 or 300 and above)
mx-on-success Specifies an element to be initialized or updated after a successful HTTP request (response code 200-299)
mx-patch Issues a PATCH request to the specified URL
mx-post Issues a POST request to the specified URL
mx-put Issues a PUT request to the specified URL
mx-remove Removes the closest ancestor element from the DOM when an interactive element with the <code>mx-remove</code> attribute is triggered by a user action, such as a button click.
mx-select Selects content to swap in from a response
mx-select-oob Selects content to swap in from a response, outside the target (out of band)
mx-swap Controls how content will be swapped in (innerHTML, outerHTML, beforebegin, etc.)
mx-target Specifies the target element to be swapped
mx-token Attaches a Trongate Token to the HTTP request for authentication
mx-trigger Specifies the event that triggers the HTTP request
mx-vals Attach additional values to your HTTP requests as if they were submitted as part of an ordinary HTML form

For detailed information on each attribute, please refer to the individual documentation pages.