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Validation Rules Reference

The following table below all of Trongate's inbuilt form validation rules.

Rule Parameter Description Example
required No Returns FALSE if posted value is empty. required
min_length Yes Returns FALSE if posted value has a string length less than specified value. min_length[3]
max_length Yes Returns FALSE if posted value has a string length greater than specified value. max_length[75]
exact_length Yes Returns FALSE unless posted value has a string length equal to specified value. exact_length[12]
greater_than Yes Returns FALSE unless posted value is greater than specified value. greater_than[17]
less_than Yes Returns FALSE unless posted value is less than specified value. less_than[31]
numeric No Returns FALSE is posted value is not numeric. numeric
integer No Returns FALSE is posted value is not an integer (i.e., not a whole number). integer
decimal No Returns FALSE posted value is not numeric with at least one decimal place. decimal
matches Yes Returns FALSE if posted value does not match another specified form element. matches[password]
differs Yes Returns false if form element matches another specified form element. differs[name]
valid_email No Returns FALSE if posted value is not formatted like an email address. valid_email
valid_datepicker_us No Returns FALSE unless posted value is a valid datepicker value of the United States of America format mm-dd-yyyy. valid_datepicker_us
valid_datepicker_eu No Returns FALSE if posted value is not a valid datepicker value of the European format dd-mm-yyyy. valid_datepicker_eu
valid_datetimepicker_us No Returns FALSE if posted value is not a valid datetime picker value. valid_datetimepicker_us
valid_datetimepicker_eu No Returns FALSE if posted value is not a valid datetime picker value. valid_datetimepicker_eu
valid_time No Returns FALSE if posted value is not a valid time. valid_time