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The Admin Template in Trongate

Trongate offers a powerful feature for generating comprehensive admin templates through its Desktop Application. These templates come equipped with full authentication, automatic API generation, and extensive code generation capabilities, significantly streamlining the development process.

The Trongate Admin Panel
Example of a Trongate Admin Panel

While a detailed exploration of the Trongate Desktop Application is beyond the scope of this documentation, several key aspects of the Admin Template warrant discussion:

Framework Independence

The Trongate Desktop Application and its generated admin panels operate independently of third-party libraries, ensuring a lightweight and efficient codebase. The sole exception to this rule is the optional use of 'Font Awesome' icons for the admin panel's side navigation, should icon implementation be required.

Flexible Theme Customization

The admin panels generated by the Trongate Desktop Application offer a range of color themes, enhancing visual customization options. By default, 'green' serves as the primary color, but the framework includes several alternatives:

Modifying the Theme Color

To alter the default color scheme of your admin theme, follow these steps:

  1. Open the configuration file located at config/themes.php
  2. Modify the 'dir' key within the $admin_theme array to reflect your desired color

For example, to implement a 'red' theme, use the following configuration:

$admin_theme = [
    "dir" => "default_admin/red",
    "template" => "admin.php"

$themes['admin'] = $admin_theme;
define('THEMES', $themes);

While Trongate provides these pre-defined color options, advanced users can further customize themes by modifying the relevant CSS files within the chosen theme directory.

Fancy Something Different?

If you'd like to try an entirely different admin template, check out the Bootstrappy theme, which is available - free of charge - from the Trongate Module Market.

More themes to be added shortly!