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Accessing Child Modules

Trongate provides multiple ways to access and utilize child modules within your application.

URL Routing

To access a child module via URL, use the following format:

Example #1

The code sample below demonstrates how to access the 'display' method of an 'accessories' child module within a 'cars' parent module:

Creating Links

Example #2

The code sample below demonstrates how to use the Trongate anchor function to create links to child module methods:

<?= anchor('cars-accessories/display', 'View Accessories') ?>

Loading Child Modules Programmatically

To load a child module within a controller or another module:


Example #3

This example demonstrates how to load and use a child module named 'product_reviews' within a parent module 'shop'. We'll load the child module and then call its 'get_latest_reviews' method:

class Shop extends Trongate {

    function display_product($product_id) {
        // Load the product_reviews child module

        // Get the latest reviews for this product
        $latest_reviews = $this->product_reviews->get_latest_reviews($product_id, 5);

        // Prepare data for the view
        $data['product_id'] = $product_id;
        $data['latest_reviews'] = $latest_reviews;
        $data['view_module'] = 'shop';
        $data['view_file'] = 'display_product';

        $this->template('public', $data);

In this example, we first load the 'product_reviews' child module using $this->module('shop-product_reviews'). After loading, we can access the child module's methods using $this->product_reviews->method_name(). Here, we're calling the get_latest_reviews() method to fetch the five most recent reviews for a specific product.